40% TAX REBATE : The French Tax Rebate for International Production gives you 30% rebate on your French VFX studio bill, provided you spend at least €250k in eligible expenditures. 10% bonus available for project with more than €2M of VFX-related eligible expenditure.

We will be pleased to help you with France’s Tax Rebate at CONTACT@TRIMARAN.COM

You have to work with a French Production Service Company (which can be a VFX studio or another French Production company).

The French company will fill the application for your project and submit it to the CNC. Provisional qualification is generally given within a month of submission.

To qualify to the TRIP as a VFX-only project, your project must:

  • Be a live-action project
  • Spend at least €250K in eligible
  • Expenditures pass a cultural test specifically designed for VFX projects
The 10% bonus applies to VFX-intensive projects with more than €2M of VFX-related eligible French expenditure. Once the €2M threshold is passed, the 40% tax rebate applies on all of a project’s eligible spends, including live action spends which are not VFX-related.
moulin rouge


In order to qualify, VFX-only projects must pass the “VFX test” which is made up of three distinctive parts.

The first part rewards points for characters of either European or an undetermined origin (monsters, non-humanoids or animals meet this requirement).

The second part rewards points according to the level of involvement of French and European talents.

The third part looks at the involvement of French companies in the projects.

The test is therefore easy to pass for any VFX project that is substantially made in France. Marvel’s “Thor”, Wong Kar-Wai’s “The Grandmaster”, David Lynch’s new “Twin Peaks” series or Denis Villeneuve’s “Blade Runner 2049” all qualified for the TRIP Incentive.


To be eligible, expenditures mentioned hereafter must be incurred in France by the Production Service Company who has submitted the TRIP application for the project. Concerning VFX projects, most of the spend is eligible, as you can see. The tax rebate is 30% of the following pre-tax expenditures and maximum €30 million per project. A 10% bonus is available for project with more than €2 million of VFX expenditures (therefore 40% of tax rebate).