In VFX (Visual Effects), « restore » refers to the process of repairing or recovering damaged, lost, or degraded images or footage in a visual project. This can involve restoring old or damaged films, correcting visual artifacts, or reconstructing elements that were poorly captured or deteriorated.
Restoring Old Films:
Repairing films that have been damaged or degraded over time by removing scratches, stains, distortions, and restoring color and sharpness.
Artifact Correction:
In digital projects, this can include removing noise, managing compression artifacts, or correcting poorly exposed or rendered images.
Reconstructing Missing Elements:
Sometimes, elements of a scene may be missing or damaged. VFX artists recreate these elements (such as objects, sets, or even characters) using 3D modeling or animation tools to seamlessly integrate them into the final render.
Archival Footage Restoration:
In historical or documentary projects, archival footage is often restored to improve its quality while preserving its original look and feel.